
Murakami’s Redesigned Covers by Noma Bar

The famous Japanese writer Haruki Murakami’s books have been re-designed to vintage style by Noma Bar.

Murakami’s work has a sense that something has been lost or hidden, what is real and what is not. To match this playfulness for the covers, Vintage Book Design commissioned Noma Bar, a talented Israeli-born and London-based illustrator. His powerful graphic illustrations cleverly utilise negative space concealing secondary images and illusions. Noma’s illustrations were screenprinted by hand to give them a personal and softer edge.

知名日本作家村上春樹的作品集擁有了全新的復古風面,由擅長反向風格的畫家 Noma Bar 所設計。村上春樹的作品經常以消失或隱藏的寓意來代表現實與虛幻,所以找來了最擅長傳達負面空間表現手法的以色列畫家進行重新詮釋,真的是太完美了。而且每一幅插畫都是 Noma 手工網版印刷出來的。