
James Bond Book Cover by Michael Gillette

Are you a James Bond fan? Here is the chance that you can collect the officially licensed James Bond book covers!

Originally released to celebrate the centenary of Ian Fleming’s birth, San Francisco based artist Michael Gillette‘s Penguin Bond covers became an instant, iconic classic. Much requested, they are now available for the first time as limited edition, signed and numbered prints in conjunction with the Ian Fleming estate.

你是詹姆士龐德的粉絲嗎?現在有機會可以擁有官方授權的小說封面藝術創作囉!由舊金山藝術家 Michael Gillette 所創作的這系列封面是為了向 007 的創造人 Ian Fleming 致敬的百年紀念。每一款限量設計都有 Ian Fleming 的簽名以及限量編號。