
Insanely Digital Art by Antoni Tudisco

German talented artist Antoni Tudisco is only 20 year old, born and raised in Germany by Filipina mother and Italian father. He is a fan of extraordinary things ever since he was a child. He start drawing in elementary school and never listen to the teacher. And that characteristic for him to developed into being creative and original today. He got lots of projects and requests from some major clients since he was 18! And he has just invited by the Golden Lion Award winner “The Mushroom Co.” and become a member.

德國天才藝術家 Antoni Tudisco 年僅 20 歲,在德國出生,由菲律賓母親與義大利父親撫養長大。他從小學開始就一直畫畫,從來沒有認真念書。不過這也奠基了日後他在創意與原創領域如此成功的種子。他從 18 歲完成高中學業之後就接到許多重量級客戶的邀約進行創作,他也在日前成為獲得金獅獎的公司 The Mushroom Co. 的延攬成為正式員工。他的前途真的一片光明啊!