Jack Morefield was born on an army base in Alabama. He moved with his family throughout Europe, until his father transitioned from the army into the auto industry, settling in Michigan. Jack was always better at expressing himself visually than verbally, he embraced a creative lifestyle. It wasn’t until the 90’s that Jack considered himself to be an artist, when he started doing commissioned work and various portraits in graphite for friends and clients.
“I think that my work is only partly represented here in that it is something quite different in person. A close examination reveals the design elements, and a bit of distance blends these elements in to a recognizable image. I am a Boston artist with work in many private and public collections.”, Jack said.
Jack Morefield 生於軍人世家,從小全家跟著父親駐防歐洲,後來又回到美國。一直到 90 年代他才真的認為自己是一位藝術家,也從那時開始以繪畫為職業。