
Cardboard Sculpture by Daniel Agdag

Daniel Agdag is a Melbourne based artist and filmmaker. He creates meticulous industrial objects of his own imagination. The unassuming use of boxboard as a medium belies elaborate complicated machines and contraptions that preserve the incessant redundancies of the modern industrial world.

All the images here are made from cardboard ~ boxboard to be precise. They are cut into manageable pieces using a surgical scalpel (blade Nº.11) and assembled intuitively by hand using a plain well known brand of wood glue, without detailed plans or drawings. The process is a kin to drawing in three dimensions with cardboard.

來自澳洲墨爾本的藝術家 Daniel Agdag 也是一位電影製片,他利用想像力創造出許多讓人驚嘆的工業場景,而且是用硬紙板做的!這裡展示了部分作品,他利用手術刀以手工切割以及木膠黏合的最簡單方式完成這些讓人歎為觀止的立體場景!